Earnings History

Use this option to print an Earnings History Report for one, several, or all Employees. The Earnings History Report provides a listing of earnings for individual payroll periods by Employee. The report lists Gross Pay, all Tax Deductions, Net Pay and Check Numbers for each payroll period.

Gross Pay is calculated using the following formula:

non-Taxable Adjustment

+ Gross Pay amount

+ Employer Union Fringe Tax

+ Employer Union Fringe non-tax

+ non-Taxable Travel Pay

+ Employer Benefits non-Tax

+ Employer Benefits Taxable

= Gross Pay on the Earnings History Report

Payroll Earnings History Selection

Beginning Date/Ending Date

Use the Beginning and Ending dates to define a date range for the report. Accept the defaults, 00/00/0000 and the current system date, to include all dates.

From Employee Number/To Employee Number

Use the From Employee No. and To Employee No. fields to define a range of Employees to include on the report. Accept the defaults, 00000 and 99999, to include all Employees. To select one Employee, enter that Employee Number in both fields.

New Page By Employee Number


A new page will be started for each Employee. This lets you create printouts which are ready to be filed.

Report Type


Print a single line for each Employee.


Print a single line for each Check number.

Pay Type

If you use an Executive Security code, you are prompted to select the type of Employees you want to include on this report. If you use a non-Executive Security code, the system will automatically default the selection to standard (non-executive).

1. Executive

2. Standard

3. All

Enter the desired pay type code.


Enter an Outq identifier to send this report to a specific output queue. Leave this field blank to send the File Listing to the default output queue.

Select the Hold option to place this report on hold in the default, or specified, output queue.

Select the Save option to print the report, and then place it on hold in the default, or specified, output queue.

Job Queue

Leave this option selected to print this report in the Job Queue.

Clear this option to print this report before other jobs in the Job Queue.

Click to process these entries and print the Earnings History report.

Click to return to the Main Menu without saving changes.