Enter Payroll Week-ending Dates

This topic explains how to enter Payroll week-ending dates, and how they are used.

You can enter payroll week-ending dates one of two ways:

- or -


The following files use Payroll Proof week-ending date:

PRPHST Payroll History File

PRPERN Employee Earnings File

Note: The Employee History Inquiry uses the proof week-ending date from the payroll history file (PRPHST). The name of the proof week-ending date field is UDTWE and can be used for user define reports in queries, report constructor, or SQL’s.


The following files use Payroll Entry week-ending date:

PRPTCH P/R Detail Time Card History File

PRPWCH P/R Workers Comp History File

PRPMUN P/R Monthly Union File

HRPMBN H/R Monthly Benefit File


The field name CHDTWE is the payroll entry week-ending date in the Detail Time Card History file and is the date used for running reports like Time Card Detail List report and the Certified Payroll Report. All of the Workers Comp reports, Union reports, and H/R Benefit reports work off of the payroll entry week-ending date.

In Payroll Defaults, if you specified Earning Method 2, then the Proof Week-ending Date is the earnings date for W-2 and other federal reporting.

The Check Reconciliation File (PRPCHK) uses the check date entered at Payroll Proof.

The remote entry option has two fields that will override the entry weekending date and day number entered prior to uploading to PRPWRK (Payroll Work File). On the Main Menu, click Payroll, select Entry, and then click Update in Timecard Import Process.

This functionality is also found at Integration Suite/PDA Interface, on Update under Timecard Import.

Once a batch of timecards is entered into the Payroll Work File (PRPWRK) through a maintenance option, you can change the entry week-ending date.

On the Main Menu, click Payroll/Entry, and then select Maintain/Delete Payroll Batches.