Remove Reconciled / Voided Checks
1. On the Main Menu, click Payroll, select Check Reconciliation, and then click Enter Reconciled/Voided Checks.
Check Reconciliation Selection screen
2. On the Check Reconciliation screen, in the Bank G/L Number field, enter the appropriate bank G/L number.
3. In the Stmt Date field, enter the appropriate through date, and then click OK. A screen displays allowing you to enter checks and their amounts for reconciliation.
Records in the PRPCHK Check Reconciliation file are deleted.
4. To remove deleted check reconciliation records, on the Main Menu, click System Administration, and then select File Reorganization.
Important: The following warning displays, noting that all users must be off the system to run this option. File Reorganization must be in dedicated mode to run. Run only specific applications at a time. Make sure automatic backups and other automatic processes do not interfere or unpredictable results may occur. We recommend that you perform a full system backup before running a file reorganization.
5. When you are sure that these requirements are met, click OK.
6. On the File Reorg screen, select Payroll, and then click OK.