Laser W2 Print

Note: You must have Executive Security to run this option.

Before you use this feature, note the following:

For year end, note the following:





W2 Laser Forms

On the Main Menu, select Payroll, click Annual Processing, and then Laser W2 Print.

Printing Laser W2 forms requires Executive Security.

This is a one-time-only option and you should use it at the federal level for federal, state, and local records.

Magnetic Media is prepared using the W2 option. For detailed information, see W2 Magnetic Media Detail screen.

You can print up to five laser W2 forms based on employees. Note that the employee numbers are not validated, so be careful when you select them.

To use this option to print Puerto Rican W2s, the Preprinted Laser Forms field must be set to Y.





W2 Laser Forms Selection screen

To print laser W2 forms

1. On the Main Menu, click Processing, select Annual Processing, and then click Laser W2 Print.

2. On the W2 Laser Forms selection screen, populate the fields as shown below:

a. In the Year to Process field, enter the previous year.

b. (Optional) In the Process All Companies with Federal Id# field, enter the appropriate federal ID number.

For companies with the same federal ID number, enter your security code for the lowest numbered company and division. Also, you must enter the federal ID number exactly as it displays in Payroll Defaults, including dashes and spaces.

You must process companies with different federal ID numbers separately without entering the Federal ID number.

c. In the Type of Wages to Include box, specify one of the following:

d. In the Process All States field, enter Y to process all states.

   Alternatively, to process only select states, enter N.

e. In the Process All Employees field, enter Y to process all employees.

   Alternatively, to process only select employees, enter N, and then enter the employee numbers in the available    fields. You can only process up to five employees at a time.

f. In the W2 Form Process/Print Sequence field, enter 1.

g. In the Preprinted Laser Forms field, enter Y if you are using preprinted forms. Enter an N if you are using eForms or FORMations.

h. If you entered Y in the Preprinted Laser Forms field, then in the Output Queue fields, you must specify the output queue that has an AS/400 compatible laser printer.

Note: This field must be set to Y when processing Laser W2s for Puerto Rico.

i. Enter a Y in the Use Current Year Defaults field if you wish to use this year’s reporting defaults. If you wish to use defaults from a previous year, enter an N and use the Restore From Type Device ID field to identify the location of the file.

j. Click OK.

The System produces a Laser W2 Recap Report. (The grand total no longer prints on the last W2 form.) The report goes on hold in the output queue, and the print file is QPRINT1 and the data value report number (which you can view in the Work Spool file) is PRP606.