Control Totals

After the last transaction has been entered for each employee, use the indicated link to display the Control screen (unless you set the Control screen not to display by using the Display Control Screen field on the Payroll Entry Header screen).

The Control screen displays the total Regular, Overtime and Other Hours, and adjustments entered for this employee. Equipment usage hours entered will update the equipment hours field.

Payroll Entry Control Totals screen

Calculate Check

This option is used to calculate and record a Manual Check in a single step.

Select this option to access the Check Calculation Selection screen.

Weekending Date/Check Date/Journal Date

Enter these Week Ending dates for the check being calculated.


This feature lets you print the following preliminary reports:

Note: These reports are preliminary, and are for information purposes only.

The check numbers shown on the register are temporarily reflected from the system defaults (Employer Bank Account Maintenance) and are not actually assigned.

The actual manual check number, as entered, will be reflected on the Payroll Register when it is run from the Processing Menu.

Adjustment Number

Enter the adjustment number, if applicable. This is used to track adjustments in the employee's earnings record.


Use the indicated Previous button to review and change transactions. Each transaction line displays on a screen which is identical to the Exception Entry screen. You may change any of the information on the screen with the exception of the employee number, check type and shift code. Click OK after making your corrections on the screen displayed or to continue your review of the entries.

If the entries are incorrect, and you do not want to correct them, you can delete all the transactions entered in this group by using the indicated function key.


If the Control screen is in balance, click to accept the entries and return to the Payroll Entry Header screen to enter another employee or to end the session.


Click to delete this record.


Click to return to the calling screen to review/modify the transaction.