Employee Master - State and Local
Employee State and Local Selection screen
Company/Division Number
Accept the Company/Division used at login, or click the Division Number prompt to make new selections from a list.
Social Security Number
This field will auto-fill from the Social Security Number entered on the previous screen. Accept this entry, enter a different Social Security Number, or click the prompt to select from a list. This entry must currently be set up in the Employee Master file.
- or -
Employee Number
This field will auto-fill from the Employee Number entered on the previous screen. Accept this entry, enter a different Employee Number, or click the prompt to select from a list. This entry must currently be set up in the Employee Master file.
Type Code
Click the prompt and select the type of record being maintaining.
Employee SUTA (State Unemployment Insurance)
Click to process these entries and display the Employee State and Local Distribution Selection screen. |
Click to return to the Main Menu without saving changes. |
Click to return to the Employee Master Selection screen without saving changes. |
Employee State and Local Distribution Selection screen
This is a dual prompt field. For the selected Type Code, the left prompt will display a list of all Distributions, and the right prompt will display a list of those Distribution to which the Employee has been assigned.
Click to process these entries and display the Employee State and Local Detail screen. |
Click to return to the Main Menu without saving changes. |
Click to return to the Employee State and Local Selection screen without saving changes. |
Employee State and Local Detail screen
Enter the number of regular exemptions to be used in calculating the state or local income tax. The Additional Exemption fields are used in states where different dollar amount exemptions are used for children, dependents over age 65, additional itemized deductions, etc. Exemption amounts are deducted from taxable earnings before the tax is calculated. When adding a new employee, this field will default to the Federal exemption number, but can be changed.
Income Tax Withholding
Tax Status
The tax status code determines which Federal Tax Table will be used. This code is usually M for married or S for single. However, tax law changes by some states have created tables for Head of Household, Married with Both Spouses Working, Married Filing Separately, etc.
These codes are set up in the Tax Master.
Use Tax Table
This field is used to determine whether taxes will be calculated using State/Local tax tables, an inputted dollar figure, or a combination of the two.
Y (Yes) |
The State/Local tax tables are used to calculate taxes, and then the extra Dollar and Percent fields are used to add extra taxes if data is entered. |
N (No) |
The State/Local tax tables will not be used to calculate taxes. Instead, this calculation will be based on entries in the Dollar and Percent fields. |
B (Both) |
The State/Local tax tables will not be used to calculate taxes, but the extra Dollar and Percent fields will be used if data is entered. |
If you set the Use Tax Table field to No, then you can specify an exact dollar amount for taxes or a specific percentage of the Employee’s check that you want to go to State/Local taxes.
Worker's Comp
Reference and Code
Enter a Worker's Compensation Policy Reference Number and a Worker's Compensation Classification Code to assess Workers Compensation rates at the State/Local level. Any code entered must be a valid record in the Worker's Comp Rate file and the Policy Reference Number file.
Payroll | Maintenance 1 | Workers Comp
The hierarchy used to determine the values for these properties is follows:
1. Job Cost Master
2. Job Description file
3. Equipment Class file - For Equipment Usage
4. Employee State and Local file
5. Employee Class file
6. Department Master file
Note: Workers Compensation fields are only displayed for Type Code S (state) records.
Tax Credit Exemptions
Enter the number of exemptions the employee is claiming for each of the three tax credit fields. The meaning of these fields varies according to the state tax record that is being set up. The amount of tax credit exemptions determines the amount by which the calculated tax is reduced.
Click to process these entries and return to the Employee Master Selection screen. |
Click to return to the Main Menu without saving changes. |
Click to return to the Employee Master Selection screen without saving changes. |