Distribution Master


The Distribution Master defines the payroll environment for each Company/Division on the system. This is set up at the Company/Division level so each Company/Division can be unique.

Prerequisites are required for some types of records, whereas a General Ledger Chart of Accounts is required for all. For individual prerequisites please refer to the Distribution Code Definition Guideline Table.

The Distribution Master is used to establish controls for a variety of payroll rules and defaults, including

  • General Ledger liability and expense accounts

  • Tax exempt status

  • Accounts Payable Company/Division and Vendor

  • Start and Completion dates

  • Descriptions

  • Workers Compensation classification and calculation rules

  • Arrears rules

  • Year-end rules

  • ACH rules

  • Default values

  • Types of deductions

  • Bodily Injury and Property Damage liability accounts

eCMS makes extensive use of master files and, in most cases, a record must exist in the Distribution Master prior to setting up the other masters.

Distribution Code Definition Guideline Table

Distribution Code Letter Description Table






Distribution Master Selection screen 1

Company Number/Division Number

Accept the Company/Division used at login, or click the Division Number prompt to make new selections.

Distribution Code

Enter a Distribution Code. Only the codes in the Distribution Code Letter Description Table above may be used.

For Railroad Employees Only

Click to process these entries and display the Distribution Master Selection screen 2 for the type of Distribution Code entered.

Click to return to the Main Menu without saving changes.





Distribution Master Selection screen 2

Distribution Number

Not all codes require a Distribution Number. Coding considerations should be determined prior to set up for those that are not state numbers. Generally, codes that have some visual recognition work better than a purely numeric sequence. For example, using 1 and 2 to represent 402K and S125, respectively, may not be easily remembered and could result in prompting rather than direct entry, whereas using 401 and 125 would be generally recognized as representing federal pre-tax deductions. Employee bank direct deposit deductions (you may use multiple deductions records that add up to 100% of net) intended to deduct 100% of an employee's net pay must be coded with a high deduction number (we recommended you start at 900) to ensure that they are the last deductions taken.

Union Number

Union Numbers are user-defined. It might be useful to assign a number that could be readily associated with the individual Union, such as a variation of the Union Number itself (i.e. IBEW 128 represented by 128).

Deduction Type

Deduction Types are used by Unions to break down the various fringe benefits (i.e. Vacation, Dues, Pension), and Human Resources 401K plans where the employees are allowed to spread their contributions across various investments (i.e. stock, bond, foreign). For Unions, the number of Deduction Types allowed is determined by the value of the Max Ded Payroll default.

Admin | Application Installation | Set Up Default Values Payroll option - second page

Union Deduction Types (referred to as Union Codes in the Union Master) must be set up here before they will be available in the Union Master.

Start Date and Completion Date

The Start/Completion Date fields are used with Distribution Codes D (Additions to Pay) and M (Deductions from Pay) only. When working with Distribution Codes D and M, Start Date and Completion Date are required fields.

The system uses these dates to calculate the addition and deduction amounts. If date-sensitive pay rates are being used, and this record is a D or M code, enter the required Start/Completion dates.

If date-sensitive pay rates are not being used, enter all 9s in the Completion field, the Start field will default to zeros.

Because records cannot be deleted from this file, a record for this D or M code that uses a Completion Date of all 9s will generate a message that allows the conflicting record to be overridden by clicking Overlap Override.

Rate Calculation Notes

For hourly rates, the week ending date is used to calculate a rate for each of the 7 days of the week.

These dates, used in conjunction with the day number entered, calculate additions and deductions when payroll is entered. Therefore, for each record, the system can get a new rate during the week.

If you enter a day number as zero, the system will use day seven (7) to calculate pay rates.

The system calculates employee additions (D codes) and deductions (M codes) with fixed or percentage amounts, by week ending date only, as required during payroll entry. The system does not use the above daily logic to calculate fixed or percent amounts.

Click to process these entries and display the Distribution Maintenance Detail screen for the type of Distribution Code entered.

Click to return to the Distribution Master Selection screen 1 without saving changes.

Click to return to the Main Menu without saving changes.

Click to copy records by Distribution Code using the Copy by Code screen. This option is only valid for D and M Distribution Codes.

Click to copy records by Distribution Number using the Copy by Number screen. This option is only valid for D and M Distribution Codes.


Screen options

Distribution Code *






FICA (Social Security)

FICA, SUTA, SDI & Local Detail screen




State Disability



FUTA Tax, Comp Time Earned & Burden Entry


Comp Time Earned


Comp Time Burden



Payroll Adjustment Entry



Federal, State Taxes and Tips Detail




Tips Credited


Tips in Excess


FICA (Medicare)

FICA Medicare Entry


H/R Benefit/Deduction

Employee Investment

Human Resources Benefits/Deductions Entry
Human Resources Investment Plan Entry


Earned Income Credit

Earned Income Credit Entry



Local Distribution screen


Employee Deduction

Miscellaneous Deduction Entry



Union Benefit/Deduction Entry


W/C Employee Portion

Employee Worker's Comp Entry


W/C Insurance

Worker's Comp Entry