Employee Name
Enter the employee's name in first, middle, and last name sequence (commas are not permitted). This field prints on payroll checks and is used for magnetic media reporting of W-2 forms to the IRS.
Note: The name you enter here prints on payroll checks exactly as entered
Name Suffix
Enter a suffix if applicable (Jr., III, Esq., etc.).
Name Abbreviation
The first name can be entered first or the last name entered first, but an abbreviation should be as much of the last name as possible. If the first initial is needed, leave a space between it and the last name. Paychecks print the way the name is entered; however, 941 forms and W-2 forms rely on a proper abbreviation to parse the names.
Payroll Edit uses the Abbreviation field only. What you enter here prints on the edit report. If you leave this field blank, the Employee’s name will not print on the edit report.
Also, for federal reporting and for certain states, you must display the last name first on the report. To do this, you must only specify the last name (or as much of it that can fit). When you do this, eCMS uses the abbreviation to find the last name in the actual name field which is entered first name first. For example, for an employee named, Max Power, you would enter only Power in the Abbreviation field - not Power Max.
Furthermore, for companies that do not require reporting to have the last name first at the federal level nor the state level, then you can use the abbreviation as a sortable field.
Social Security Number
Enter the Employee's Social Security Number. There can be only one employee record with this Social Security Number per Company/Division. Entering a Social Security Number that currently exists in the Employee Master will generate an error message.
Enter the Employees address, zip code, and phone number.
State Codes
Income Tax
This code determines the State for which Income taxes will be withheld. For Employees who always have taxes withheld for one State, or for multiple States with reciprocal agreements, enter the Home State here.
Reciprocal tax processing looks at either the Job/Sub Job, or the Department, and compares the State entered in these files to that entered in the Employee Master.
If the Employee's withholding follows the Job/Sub Job, or Department, then leave this field blank and the system will use the Payroll State from the Job Description file or Department Master.
Enter a State Code, or click the prompt to select from a list. Refer to the State and Territory Numbers and Abbreviations List.
This code determines the State in which Unemployment taxes (SUTA) will be assessed. For Employees who always have these taxes withheld for the same State, enter that State Code here.
If the Employees State Unemployment withholding follows the Job/Sub Job, or Department, then leave this field blank and the system will use the Payroll State from the Job Description file or Department Master.
Enter a State Code, or click the prompt to select from a list.
Worker’s Comp
This code determines the State in which the Employee's Worker's Compensation premiums will be paid. For Employees who always have these premiums paid to the same State, enter that State Code here.
If the Employees Workers Compensation assessment follows the Job/Sub Job, or Department, then leave this field blank and the system will use the Payroll State from the Job Description file or Department Master.
Enter a State Code, or click the prompt to select from a list.
Local Tax Code
Enter a valid Local Code for this Employee, or click the prompt to select from a list. This code must be set up in the Employee State/Local file (see, State and Local Data tab) and must not currently be listed among this employee's multiple locals (see below).
Only the code keyed in this field will be used for reciprocity. Other codes selected on the screen will not take into consideration reciprocity agreements.
Note: If you are subject to the employer Oregon Transit District Excise Tax, you must enter the Distribution Number for the applicable district (Tri-Met or LTD) in the Local Code field in the Employee Master and/or the Job Description files. Adding this code to the Multiple Local file, accessed from these two files, will not work for the Oregon Transit District Excise Tax.
Multiple Locals
This field enables you to have multiple payroll locals at the employee level.
Clicking OK with this option selected will access the Multiple Locals Selection screen that displays a list showing the locals selected for this employee. An error will be generated if an entry in the Local Tax Code field is already included among this Employee's multiple locals.
Locals assigned to an Employee, via the Employee Master, take precedence over locals assigned to a Job through the Job Description file.
Reciprocity has not changed. It relies solely on the locals entered in the Job Description file and/or the Employee Master. The system does not use the multiple local files for reciprocity.
Do not use this option for the Oregon Transit District Excise Tax.
Enter the date the Employee was originally hired, or click the prompt to select from a calendar.
Enter the date the employee started work or was re-hired, or click the prompt to select from a calendar. The original hire date is maintained in the Hire Date field in this record. If they are laid off or leave and are re-hired, enter the rehire date in the Start Date field.
Enter the Employee's birth date, or click the prompt to select from a calendar. This is a required field.
Security Level
For records that are subject to level security, select the Security Level that Users will be required to have in order to access this Employee.
Corporate Officer
The Officer Code is used to flag employees whose Worker's Compensation Classification allows for an upper limit. The Workers Compensation limit is set up in the Executive Officer field of the State Master, and is valid only for Employees who have the Corporate Officer option set to Yes. Set this option to No if this limit does not apply. Other selections include:
Vice President
Pay Information
The hierarchy being used by your system is determined by the Payroll default, Pay Rate Hierarchy.
Admin | Application Installation | Setup Default Values | Payroll option - page 5
Pay Frequency
Select one of the following codes to indicate the Employee's pay frequency. The Payment Frequency code determines the tax table that is used for this Employee.
Weekly (WK)
Bi-Weekly (BW)
Semi-Monthly (SM)
Monthly (MN)
Pay Type
Enter one of the following codes for the Employee's pay type, or click the prompt to select from a list.
Hourly (H)
Salaried (S)*
For Salaried Employees: When the Human Resources System default Create an H/R Salary Review from P/R Master is set to Y, a Human Resource Personnel - Salary Review record will be created whenever this Pay Type field is changed.
Regular Rate
Based on regular gross/hours, enter the percentage or rate per hour of labor you want to accrue for each burden type. Enter rates to three decimal places. For example, 2% is entered as 02000; $1.50 is entered as 01500. Decimal points are not entered.
Overtime Rate
Based on overtime gross/hours, enter the percentage or rate per hour of labor you want to accrue for each burden type. Enter rates to three decimal places. You must enter a percentage here, otherwise 0.000% will be used.
Other Rate
Based on other gross/hours, enter the percentage or rate per hour of labor you want to accrue for each burden type. Enter rates to three decimal places. You must enter a percentage here, otherwise 0.000% will be used.
Based on the entry for Pay Frequency.
Employee Class
Enter the Employee's Class, or click the Employee Type prompt to select from a list. The class and type codes entered must be in the Employee Class file.
Employee Type
Enter the Employee's Type, or click the prompt to select from a list.
Employee Class and Type status is used in conjunction with the Employee Class file to determine Pay Rates (if not entered in this file), and the Worker's Compensation Rate. The Employee Type is also used to determine if an employee is eligible for Union Benefits. The class and type codes entered must be in the Employee Class file.
Employee Group
Enter a user-defined Group Code, if one is used. This code can be used to group Employee’s when printing the Employee Master Listing.
Union Number
If the Employee is in a Union, enter that Union Number. This Union Number must be set up in the Union Master. This Union will be designated as the Employees Home Union.
Benefit Class
The Benefit Class is used to determine which Benefits/Deductions apply to an Employee.
If a Benefit Class is entered, Benefits/Deductions will be taken for:
Benefits/Deductions with a matching Benefit Class code in the Union Master file.
Benefits/Deductions with a blank Benefit Class code in the Union Master file.
The Benefit Class is also used to pull pay rates from the Union Class Master.
Enter the Employee's Standard Shift code (1, 2 or 3). This code is used to determine the Shift Differential pay rate for this the employee. This entry can be overridden during Payroll Entry in the event the Employee worked a different shift.
An entry for the Employee's Standard Department is required. It may be changed during Payroll Entry.
Department records are used to:
Distribute Labor and Labor Burden for non-job related payroll
Determine Worker's Compensation Rates
Determine allocation of Standard Labor Costs
Enter a Department Number, or click the prompt to select from a list.
The Gender code is used for EEO reporting. Click the prompt and select from the drop-down list.
Marital Status
Click the prompt and select one of the following from the drop-down list.
This is an information-only field.
Earned Income Credit
Enter the marital status code to be used for EIC (Earned Income Credit) and TAX (for Federal Withholding Tax). This code must be set up in the Tax Table Master.
Tax Status
The Employees Tax Status determines which Earned Income Credit and Federal Tax Table will be used. This entry does not always correspond to the Employee's marital status. Examples would be single, married, and head of household.
When an Employee record is first set up, the code entered here will auto-fill the State Tax Status field in the Employee State/Local file. This code may be changed.
Note: The Tax table being referenced must be set up on the system. Employee Tax Tables can be set up in Payroll Maintenance.
Payroll | Maintenance 1 | Tax Table - Employee Tax Table option
Federal Exemptions
Enter the number of exemptions this Employee claims for Federal Income Tax purposes.
Federal Income Tax
This option will determine when to use the Federal Tax Table and/or additional amount (dollar or percentage). Depending on the type of check processed for this employee (a non-bonus check or a bonus check setup in payroll maintenance, check type description), the system calculates the employee's taxes using this flag in combination with the Check Type being processed.
Yes |
Uses the tax table and/or the additional amount field to calculate an employee's taxes on non bonus check types, but uses the tax table ONLY for the tax calculation on a bonus check type as setup in payroll maintenance, Check Type description. |
No |
Only the additional amount field (if any) is used to calculate taxes no matter the Check Type used. |
Bonus |
If the check type processed through payroll for the employee is a bonus Check Type, ONLY the tax table will be used to calculate taxes, but if a non-bonus Check Type is processed, ONLY the additional amount entered is used. |
Exempt |
Used for Employees who are exempt from Federal Taxes, such as Foreign Exchange Students. |
FIT/State Tax Code |
Bonus Check |
Tax Table |
Additional Amount [$ or %] |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
N |
Any Check Type |
N |
Y |
B |
Y |
Y |
N |
B |
N |
N |
Y |
Enter a description of the Employee's Occupation, or click the prompt to select from a list. This entry must be set up in the Occupation Master in Human Resources.
Description 1 and 2
These descriptions will print on the check stub of Employees assigned to a Job whose Print Class Description on Paycheck option is selected in the Job Description file.
Job Cost | Maintenance | Job Cost Setup - Job Description, General Billing tab
If these fields are left blank, then the description will pull from the Occupation Descriptions entered in the Employee Class Master.
Subject to FICA
Select this option to calculate Federal Social Security Taxes for this employee.
Clear this option to suppress the calculation of Federal Social Security Taxes.
Subject to FUTA
Select this option to calculate Federal Unemployment Taxes for this employee.
Clear this option to suppress the calculation of Federal Unemployment Taxes.
For Railroad Employees only:
Subject to RR T1 FICA-SS/MC
Select one of the following withholding options from the drop-down list.
NO-Both |
Employee is subject to neither RR Tier 1 FICA Social Security or Medicare. |
SS-Only |
Employee is subject to RR Tier 1 FICA Social Security only. |
MC-Only |
Employee is subject to RR Tier 1 FICA Medicare only. |
YES-Both |
Employee is subject to both RR Tier 1 FICA Social Security and Medicare. |
Subject to RR T2 Pension
Select if this Employee is subject to RR T2 Pension withholding.
Subject to RR UI
Select if this Employee is subject to RR Unemployment Insurance withholding.
State Exempt
Select this option when the Employee is qualified for State Tax Exemption. The Exempt from State Taxes option in the Job Description file must be selected in order for jobs to qualify.
Minority Code
Enter one of the user defined codes to identify this Employee's minority status, or click the prompt to select from a list. This is a required field. These codes are used to identify employees for the EEO Reports. See the Maintenance 1 menu option, Minority Code, for information on setting up Minority codes.
Standard Cost
Select this code to allow this Employee to be charged to jobs based on a Standard Cost, rather than an Actual Wage rate.
The Standard Cost rate is based on the rate entered in the Employee Class, or Union Class files, or the Payroll Default Values.
The system calculates Standard Cost only for job related payroll and will do so only where the system finds:
The Job/Sub Job marked as a Standard Cost job
- and -
The Employee marked as a Standard Cost employee.
This field is used to mark the W2 Pension box. Select this option for all Employees who fall under a federally recognized Pension Plan.
Exempt Certified
Yes |
This Employee is exempt from certified payroll and is not to be listed on the Certified Payroll Reports. |
No |
This Employee is not exempt from certified payroll and should be listed on the Certified Payroll Reports. |
Report |
This Employee is to be listed on the Certified Payroll Reports ONLY for reporting purposes. Cost for this Employee is not charged to the job. |
Country Code
This optional field is used for W2 and 941 processing if a Country Code is required for magnetic media. This field is not used for the employee address. Please refer to the State/Federal government specifications, for the type of magnetic media being used, to determine if this field is required.
Supervisor 1 & Supervisor 2
These fields must be currently set up in this Employee Master file for the Company & Division field specified below, or, if these fields are left blank, for the security Company & Division.
Company & Division
The Supervisor 1 & Supervisor 2 fields must be set up in this Employee Master file for the Company & Division fields specified here.
Click to save changes and to display the tabs of the Employee Master Maintenance Detail Screen in the order in which they display along the top of the screen. This may vary depending on the options selected on each tab.
Click to return to the Main Menu without saving changes. |
Click to delete the current record. |
Click to return to the Employee Master Selection screen without saving changes. |
Employee Data Multiple Locals Selection screen
Multiple Locals
This field enables you to have multiple payroll locals at the employee level.
Clicking OK with this option selected will display the Multiple Locals Selection Screen (shown above) that displays a list showing the locals selected for this employee.
To add Locals to this list, click LOCAL MASTER to access a local listing from the Payroll Distribution Master. Select the locals that relate to this employee, and click OK.
Locals assigned to an Employee, via the Employee Master, take precedence over locals assigned to a job through the Job Description file.
Reciprocity has not changed. It relies solely on the locals entered in the Job Description file and/or the Employee Master. The system does not use the multiple local files for reciprocity.
Note: Do not use this option for the Oregon Transit District Excise Tax
Click to save changes and display the Employee Data General 2 screen. |
Click to access a local listing from the Payroll Distribution Master from which to add Locals to this list. |
Click to return to the Employee Data General screen without saving changes. |